Stress Management and Resiliency Training (SMART): A Relaxation Response Resiliency Program®


An 8-Week Group Workshop led by Ellen Godena, EdM, MSW LICSW

Stress Management and Resiliency Training (SMART): A Relaxation Response Resiliency Program®

Description: Developed and trademarked by the Benson Henry Institute for Mind-Body Medicine at the Massachusetts General Hospital, the Stress Management And Resiliency Training (SMART) program teaches self-care practices that help buffer daily stress, making participants less emotionally and physically vulnerable to it. This 8-week workshop, offered through Mobius School, is tailored specifically for artists and the stressors impacting this population.

Cost: The 8 week series is $45. The course manual and handouts are included.

Time: The group meets weekly for 90 minutes.

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